12 November 2009

Whelp. It's Official

I've started designing my personal web portfolio. Here is a sample page. I realize there is a lot of white space, but I can't decide if I should make the featured logo bigger or keep i like it is and place a business system in the rest of the white space. (I haven't designed a business system for this mark which is why it is not featured here.) Let me know what you think!

Whoa. The colors are a little bizarre. They are a lot deeper than this image shows.. I made this .jpg from a .pdf. Sorry. I'll put a better one up when I get home.


  1. First, I love that logo. (Do you remember the friends episode where joey says he's a chamelion? haha) I am seriously impressed. You might want to make your logo a little darker. It took me a while to see it. I might also just need glasses... Are you going to make the description of the logo a little bigger or closer to the logo? It looks kind of far away. I'm having a hard time coming up with more criticism... I really like it. I'm excited to see the colors as they should be. They look good bright :)

  2. I'm glad you like the logo, Stef, cause I made it just for you! That made my day! (Too bad there are only 12 more minutes to the day. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow and read it again!) I actually made one for you (with your married name) and for Aaron, I just chose to use yours for my mock up.
